Its annoying right? You do what is recommended to ensure your business grows: You develop a great product, launch a website, then tell your friends about it.
Then to your astonishment and frustration- Crickets!
No traffic. No sales. nothing. zilch!
Its almost as if you wasted your time, efforts and money because you are getting nothing for it.
I know the feeling. I have been there before. But i did certain things that helped me get targeted traffic to my website and start making sales. Before I reveal the methods I used, I need to answer a very important question:
What is Targeted Traffic?
You have probably heard this term before but have you ever wondered what it really means?
Picture this: Let’s say you have an archery gameboard like the one in the picture below.
Your goal in this game is to hit the bull’s eye (i.e the spot painted yellow). Any arrows that do not enter that bull’e eye spot is a miss.
Its the same thing with target marketing. Your target market is the yellow spot. That is where you must hit with your marketing efforts. Any marketing effort that lands outside the yellow circle is a miss.
How do you determine your Target Market
Your target market is determined by the ideal prospect for your business. Let’s say you are a fitness instructor and you want to open a fitness club.
Your ideal prospect is anybody interested in having a trim, healthy body. Therefore your target market are any group of people who want to have a trim, healthy body and are willing to spend time in the gym to achieve this. Now we know what our yellow circle is.
How do we fire marketing arrows that will hit only that yellow circle?
By marketing only where your target audience hangs out. Any other marketing effort is a miss. For the fitness club I will recommend the following:
- First determine how your target audience thinks: Are they visual in nature? Do they like to read a lot? Is your product a formal or friendly one? The answers to these questions determine where you will start. Now for a fitness club, most people who are interested in fitness prefer seeing training sessions in pictures or videos. therefore you should be advertising in Facebook, Youtube and Instagram. Also fitness is a friendly product and requires social interaction, therefore Facebook and Instagram are a must.
- Locate where your ideal prospects already hang out: You are not the first fitness club to materialise on planet Earth. Locate other fitness clubs’ pages on these social media and see who their followers are.
- Replicate what these fitness clubs are doing on your own social media page: These fitness clubs are your competition. Find out what they are doing, improve on it and do it on your social media page. Are you competitors updating their Facebook pages with motivational images and videos. Create your own motivational image and videos and upload on your Facebook page. Are your competitors using videos to demonstrate on Youtube? Create your own video and upload to your Youtube Channel.
- Find other areas that your ideal prospects will be interested in: People who spend time in gym are careful about what they eat. So look for healthy food websites. People who gym wear sporty wear to the gym. Look for sporty wear websites. Make a list of the most popular ones within your locality. Become friendly with the owners of these sites. Then after a little while, ask for a recommendation to their followers or for an opportunity to guestpost for them.
As you can see, the first step in this marketing process was knowing who your ideal prospect was. Once you figure that out, the rest is a whole lot easier.
Ways to drive targeted traffic to your business blog
There are many ways to drive traffic to your website. But if you want your business to make money, you must concentrate on how to drive targeted traffic to your website. This is because targeted traffic are people already looking for the solution you offer. They want it. Therefore it will be way easier to get them to pay for any of your services.
Because they already want the service.
Below I describe methods I use to attract traffic to my website.
1. Search Results:
This is one of the best ways to get targeted traffic to your website. This is because when people do a google search, they need the solutions to their search. To ensure your website always turns up on google search results please follow these guidelines
- Your website must have a blog: In your blog, offer solutions to pressing problems your ideal prospect experiences. For the fitness club, this will be fitness-related articles. make sure these articles are pressing pain points. Because people do google search for pressing pain points.
- Do not copy and paste: Make the mistake of stealing articles from another fitness site and Google will penalise you by reducing your website’s ranking and hence making it near impossible for you to get to the first page of google search results. And the first page is where you want to be because it converts higher than the second or third page.
- Make sure your website is mobile-responsive: If you use a website theme that is not mobile-responsive, Google will remove your website from all searches done on a mobile device. This is bad business for you because 7 out of 10 people use mobile devices to make google search.
- Provide high value content in your blog: Ensure you write blog posts that are share-able. Blog posts that go viral are high value content that solve a specific problem.
- Encourage Social Sharing and commenting on your blog: When there are so many websites vying for the same keywords, Google puts the sites with the most relevant comments and social shares in the first page.
2. Advertising:
Let’s face it, to make money you must be prepared to spend money. Many may cringe at this fact but it is the truth
To attract targeted traffic to your site, you must be prepared to spend on advertising. Three of the most effective advertising mediums for local business owners are Facebook ads, Google ads and similar-interests websites.
When advertising on Facebook, I greatly recommend using Custom Audiences for the best results
When advertising on Google, I greatly recommend choosing long-tail keywords that are as close to the solution you offer as possible. This way you reduce the money you have to spend on Adwords.
Similar-interest websites are websites that your ideal prospects visit. For a fitness club, their ideal prospect is likely to visit nutritional blogs. Therefore they should look for the best nutritional and health blogs within their locality and approach the site owners to place their ads on their site.
3. Influencer recommendation
I have written many articles on the power of influencers and how they can skyrocket your business sales.
Related: The Secret Sauce of Success
An influencer is a well-respected person who is an expert in a certain field. Influencers typically have from 10,000 to 1+ million followers. Imagine having someone like Don Jazzy or Jay Z recommend your music?
Instant stardom right?
The same applies to business. For the fitness club, imagine having someone like Genevieve Nnaji, or Mo Abudu recommend you? You guessed it, instant sales.
Don’t know any A-list celebrity (or Big Fishes as I prefer to call them)? Then target smaller fishes who are still well-respected influencers and have at least 5,000 to 10,000 followers. I write about how you can accomplish this here (How to build your connections and grow your business).
4. Referrals
The cheapest form of targeted traffic is referral traffic.
What do I mean by referral traffic? When a customer buys something from you and recommends you to their friends, and those friends come and buy from you because of that recommendation, that is called referral traffic.
To get referral traffic, you have to entice your customers with discounts and rewards for each customer they bring. This will propel them to tell their friends about you. Also I greatly advise the use of giftcards on your site.
Giftcards will help current customers attract new customers to your website. I intend to write an entire blog post on what Giftcards are and how they can help your business.
5. Giveaways:
I have used giveaways many times in my marketing career. What I learnt is that if done right, giveaways can lead to targeted traffic explosion and an increase in your email subscribers.
But if done wrongly, giveaways can turn into a huge money sucker that will give you absolutely no results. Trust me, I have had one or two failed giveaways and i have had successful giveaways too. Here is what I learnt
- Choose your gift wisely: Unless you are a phone retailer, do not giveaway any phone! Unless you are in the travel and hospitality industry, do not giveaway an all-paid trip to anywhere! This is because your gift is highly instrumental in attracting those that will participate in your contest/giveaway. If you giveaway a phone, every Tom, Dick and Harry’s cat will want to win the phone. Instead giveaway something related to your business. For the fitness club, I highly recommend giving away free membership, or sport wear or one-on-one private fitness coaching. This way people who are not interested in fitness will not even bother to enter your giveaway.
- Keep the timing short: Do not let your contest drag for months! Even 30 days can be too much unless the giveaway is worth millions. Keep the giveaway short (between 7 – 14 days) for the best results
- Choose your host wisely: One question you must answer before you start a giveaway is “Do I have a large enough following?” There are two ways to host a contest: On your site or on another person’s site. If your email list is 0-100 subscribers and your Facebook page is less than 2000 fans, you should not host the giveaway. Instead look for a similar-interest website with massive following and host your giveaway with them. This way the followers of the website will take part in your giveaway and you automatically acquire a large following!
- Choose the giveaway software wisely: The giveaway software will greatly determine your success rate with the giveaway. You want to choose a giveaway software that has many options for making your contest go viral. I greatly recommend Gleam.
- Tell your friends about it: One of the biggest mistakes I made in one of my giveaways was I did not tell my friends about it. When you want to run a giveaway, pester your friends about it. Even if you are running the giveaway on another website.
6. Free E-books:
This is an option I am currently working on. This option has high returns. And it only sends targeted traffic to your business website.
How does it work?
You write an ebook about a pressing problem that your ideal prospect has. Then you upload it to ebook platforms like Amazon, Smashwords and set the price to 0.00
That’s right, you make the ebook free!
The goal of the ebook is to attract traffic to your site and not to make money. Make the ebook as concise and straight to the point as possible. Then make sure you put links to a landing page on your website.
Why should the ebook be free?
To encourage massive downloads. When the ebook is free, you remove a customer’s resistance to price. Normally before a customer will buy a book (even if it is $0.99), they will check customer reviews and testimonials to be sure it is a good enough book. Then they will check other alternatives to be sure that your ebook beats the competition.
But when it is free, they hardly check these things. They just go ahead and download it to see if the book is really good. If it is not, they simply delete it.
I have seen this method convert nicely for friends and acquaintances. That is why I am interested in doing it. Many times, customers acquired this way go on to buy products worth thousands.
So there you have it; a concise guide on how to drive traffic to your website. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did please share and help others discover more ways to increase traffic to their business websites.
Do you have a suggestion I omitted? Tell us your suggestions in the comments.
P.S: Want a personalized traffic solution for your blog? Let me help you with my free Business Plan Service. Click here to get started.
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Interesting article. I especially agree with #1 and #3. Search Engines like google bring in a lot of traffic and a well-known person recommending you has that impact as well but with the added advantage of the trust factor. I learned a lot though. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Nnenna. Search Engines are a powerful traffic source. Same with influencers. Thanks for stopping by.
Chioma Anozie recently posted…How to make so much money from your business – guaranteed!
Getting traffic is the dream of every blogger but how to go about it is what leaves many in limbo. It’s a great thing reading those lovely tips of yours shared.
Kabie recently posted…50 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend
I agree Kabie. Without traffic, blogging can be frustrating and not satisfying. Thanks for stopping by. look forward to seeing you again.
Chioma Anozie recently posted…How to make so much money from your business – guaranteed!
Hi Chioma
That’s a great post and well presented.
I have mainly used free ebooks to get my traffic, and – of course – blog commenting within my niche.
I once wrote a controversial post (in a health niche) and it generated so many comments it stayed on page one of Google for ages.
Joy Healey recently posted…Review of 6 Hour eBook By Mialei Iske
Hi Joy.
I do agree with you that free ebooks and blog commenting drives a lot of traffic to a blog. Currently, most of my passive traffic comes from those sources.
A controversial post in the health niche? That sounds really interesting. I would love to read it myself.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Joy. Do have a lovely week.
Chioma Anozie recently posted…How to make so much money from your business – guaranteed!
Hi Chioma,
Thanks a lot for reminding me about such method as Website Give-away, wherein I needed inject scarcity into the offer. I almost must confess how I never thought about uploading my e-books freely on platforms like Amazon & Smashwords, then set the price to 0.00. but now that you’ve pin-pointed that to me, I will start applying that method too.
Once again, thanks for the share. 😉
Emmanuel E. Sulai recently posted…5 Guaranteed Ways to Make Extra Money Online
Hi Emmanuel,
Yes website giveaway bring in a lot of traffic. The key is to make sure you are giving something related to your product or service so that only potential customers of your product or service will enter your giveaway.
I do strongly recommend you try the strategy of a free ebook on Amazon or Smashwords. Amazon and Smashwords are huge marketplaces with millions of visitors. Taking advantage of that can bring you highly targeted traffic.
Thanks for stopping by Emmanuel. Do have a splendid weekend.
Chioma Anozie recently posted…How to drive traffic to your business blog
Hi Chioma,
I’m excited that you are addressing this issue. It’s talked about often but not really thought through or well executed. Your ideas here are a great place to start.
As you may know, I coach and consult with companies and one thing I do is help them dig deeper into their target markets and then teach them how to write one article for one person with one need/issue/problem/desire.
The web is not a mass marketing tool yet that is how the majority of businesses treat it. In fact, I wrote a detailed eBook on how mass marketing consumes our mindset and what we as business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers can do to see real growth through marketing that is highly targeted and specific.
The key is to ultimately get out of making assumptions and dig into the details. Assumptions are important in the beginning but we cannot stay there.
I have access to five major U.S. business databases that can tell you more than you ever dreamed about. Through these databases I can evaluate very detailed information about communities, financial and economic trends, buying trends, social trends, reading/viewing/listening habits, and so much more.
Needless to say, that is a game changer. We have to move away from assumptions to data because the detail is where the money is at.
Finally, I want to add that there is a process just before and after this and it’s simply this:
1. Discover the tangible values your business provides the customer after they have done business with you and how did they feel about the experience?
2. What specific problems did each tangible value solve? This can be very detailed as well.
3. Who are you “specifically” solving the problems for? This is where the above comes in.
4. How are your products or services a part of a solution.
This all comes into helping you learn “what business you’re “really” in” as you learn to write, podcast, video or speak to one person, with one problem with one solution.”
Highly targeted, practical and helpful articles that make a real difference that the audience can identify with.
Great post Chioma! I’m looking forward to reading more of your blogs!!!!
Have a great weekend.
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted…The Buying Process is Reversed but You Don’t Know It – Learn How You can Increase Sales
You are right Don: a move from assumptions to data is a strategic move for any business serious about making a tidy profit. The process you outlined above about how to explicitly determine the solutions a business offers as narrow down the value proposition of the business is key to knowing what business you are in so that you can develop content marketing materials that will attract the target market.
Your insights are straight to the point, bone-of-the-matter nuggets and I am thrilled that you came over to share them here.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I do enjoy your posts too and will definitely be heading over to read more.
Do have a splendid day, Don.
Chioma Anozie recently posted…How to drive traffic to your business blog
hi Chioma Anozie,
Excellent post every blogger want huge traffic for guide very well about traffic.i learn many new things from this article.keep up it.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice week ahead.
Bilal Tahir khan recently posted…How to Detect AdBlock Users in WordPress Blogs
Hi Bilal,
I agree with you that traffic is what every blogger wants. Without traffic, Blogging might not be worthwhile.
Thanks for stopping by. have a great week too.
Chioma Anozie recently posted…How to drive traffic to your business blog
Hey Chioma,
This was a great break down of how to drive targeted traffic to your business. I really like the fitness instructor/fitness club example you given here. I use something similar whenever I talk about target marketing.
The one thing I would add to this post is to do guest posts, roundup posts, and interviews. Yes you’re giving the spot light to someone else in a way, but also your blog and website are going to be exposed to their audience. It goes back to what you were saying about influencer marketing. If your blogging peers and influencers are sharing your posts through these methods, then this will definitely get more traffic back to your blog.
I’ve noticed within the past month how much traffic I’ve been getting which I have to credit a roundup post I did about a month ago. I plan on doing more guest posts, roundups, and eventually interviews to continue this. Besides that, these are great methods, especially with paid advertising which tends to be the fast way to get more traffic!
Thanks for the share Chioma! I hope you’re having a great weekend!
Sherman recently posted…7 Ways On How To Define Your Target Market?
Hi Sherman,
I do agree that guest posts, interviews and roundup posts bring in good traffic. On my site I have done both interviews and roundup posts and the traffic surges these two brought in were impressive. Thanks so much for mentioning this and adding value to this article.
I also agree that paid advertising is a great way to bring in traffic fast. I have noticed that if you dont spend that advertising money directly (paying for social media ads or paying a well-known blogger to mention your goods and products to his massive audience), you might end up spending it indirectly (like by joining blogging communities and paying to promote your articles).
I am having a wonderful weekend, Sherman [your comment even made it better 😉 ]. Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you soon. Do have a splendid day.
Hi Chioma,
Thanks for all the detail information on the tricks- Target Traffic, Target Market, Search Result, Advertising, Influencer recommendation, Referrals, Giveaways and Free E-books. I am highly impressed with Free E-books option and i also think this is very good option to boost the traffic. I read so many article on Blog Traffic and many of them are repeating same steps but here i congratulate you for highlighting option like- Free E-books and Giveaways.
Rohit Gaikwad recently posted…Line’s Popcorn Buzz: Free Group Calls
Hi Robit,
Thank you for reading and appreciating my article. Your words just made my day even better.
I highly recommend the ebook option. It brings only targeted audience to your website. Some Internet marketers I know (like Bryan Harris) have used this method to attract targeted traffic who became email subscribers (something every blogger wants). Make sure to upload your ebook to crowded marketplaces like Amazon and Smashwords. These sites get an amazing amount of traffic daily.
Giveaways are also extremely powerful (when done right). With giveaways you can generate buzz about your website and make an article or two go viral. The trick is making sure you are giving away something closely related to the products/services you sell. I always tell my clients “no phones, no vacation packages!”
Thanks for stopping by Rohit. Do have a wonderful weekend.
Awesome piece Chioma.
I will just add one more thing here. From my experience, I believe the no1 reason we created an online business or a website is to provide solution and answers to readers, customers or prospects. Content creation also comes into play here. If your contents cant answer the questions users are asking about products or services in your niche, then the possibility of driving traffic will be very far-fetched. Contents should be relevant, unique, interactive and able to communicate and give value.
Thank you! Hope to read more of your posts.
Austin recently posted…Google AdWords Banners: What are the Most Effective Ad Sizes?
Hi Austin,
I completely agree with you that the most important reason for a business should be to provide solutions to readers, customers or clients. And as such all content marketing efforts should be geared towards presenting these solutions in a way that will attract the target audience. I also agree that if content does not answer the target audience’e question, driving traffic to the said site will be difficult.
Thank you so much for adding more value to my content. Will check out your posts too. Do have a nice day.
Hi Chioma,
You’ve got an interesting piece here…and you’ve presented it wonderfully. Traffic itself is nothing (as you’ve smartly pointed out); the real deal is hungry and targeted traffic. Why bother selling water to a fish? Or ice to the Eskimos?
Personally, in my business life, I have found out that guest blogging brings in the best – and fastest results. Traffic that flows from a great entry also converts in a brilliant manner (apart from being hyper targeted). How has this worked for you? It would be interesting to know 🙂
Do make the day great!
Akaahan Terungwa
Hi Akaahan,
So nice of you to stop by. Thanks for your kind words.
I love the way you personalize targeted traffic into hungry traffic. You are right that it is pointless attracting people who are not interested in your product or service.
Guestposting is a great way of attracting traffic; but only if done rightly. For instance it does not make sense to guestpost in a website with a lower Domain Authority or Page Rank. Also your guestpost should ideally be an epic content that no reputable blog will turn down easily. Also when the content is epic and loaded with actionable tips, it tends to drag a huge amount of traffic to your site. I have observed this from working with other entrepreneurs. I have not guestposted yet for this blog yet, but I have plans to do so within the next two months as I am currently carrying out a live case study and the results of this case study will be used for my guestpost.
Thanks for stopping by, Akaahan. Do have a wonderful weekend.
The reply was quick!
But I beg to differ a little…
When you are guest posting for raw business results (or sales), pitches to a site that possess a lower domain or page authority may still make a ton of sense. What you should actually be watching out for should be the ‘interaction index’ of the site.
I’m in the Make money online niche with a bias to Nigeria and Nigerians. Here, I’ve not come across any site in my niche with a more impressive DA or PA. However, I still send occasional guest posts to some of the niche blogs here and the traffic arising therefrom winds up being the most dedicated and loyal, business wise.
Guest posting for higher authority sites also has it’s uses too…but when you are in a niche like mine, (and appreciate what I look up to in a guest post), the primary essence of guest blogging wouldn’t be to strengthen your own site’s ‘vital stats’.
Once again, enjoy the day!
By interaction index, I presume you mean the social engagement (shares and comments) on the site. In my experience sites with high interaction index tend to have high DA or PR. Now I agree with you when you say, guestposting regardless of the DA or PR might have results in specific niches. That is correct. But generally, when guestposting, it is better to look out for sites which are stronger than yours. The reason for this is not just for traffic generation but for your site’s SEO. The quality of backlinks to your site does play a role in pushing your site up Google’s search results.
Guestposting for top sites is atimes more difficult than a camel passing through a needle’s eye, that’s why i often tell my clients that any site with a better DA or PR than yours (with consistent social engagement) is a good starting point. Thanks for your stimulating conversation, Akaahan. You definitely made today a more interesting one 😉
I understand Chioma, but I still beg to differ…
…guest posting for SEO is dead. Google said it itself through it’s head of webspam, Matt Cutts (here’s the link: mattcutts[dot]com/blog/guest-blogging/)
Accordingly, almost all major sites responded with the “nofollow” tag to save themselves from Google wahala…no link juice is accordingly passed to guest authors’ sites in such a situation.
Good night.
Hi, You have shared a great post.
You have very good writing skills too.I just enjoyed reading. May your blog grow to bigger heights.
have a nice future ahead 🙂
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hi Chioma!
10 times very nice information. All thumbs up.
You’ve written this mostly for business perspectives which worth appreciation.
Targeting audience and finding them on your website is not that easy,.
Your tips gonna help me a lot.
Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…How important is a ‘Fast’ Web Server?
Hi Vashishtha,
Thanks for your kind words. I wrote this article to help business owners who are having troubles attracting the right traffic to their sites. I am thrilled that the tips here will help you a lot.
Thanks for stopping by, Vashishtha. Do have a splendid evening.
Wow… i love your article so much. I was looking for such a article long time. It helped me a lot.
Thank you so much for posting this.
Priyanka recently posted…Yoga: Never thought about it seriously? now you will.
Hi Priyanka,
Welcome to my blog. I am glad you enjoyed my article and am grateful it helped you a lot.
Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing you again. Do have a wonderful day.
Chioma that was very timely info you passed here (freely I must add). You won’t believe it, but I learnt a lot and have already sent a mail to my partner to start implementing some things you wrote here. These are wonderful I must say.
I like your style of writing so much, and I would try and adopt it as much as I can. It is very friendly and personal. The examples you gave are very insightful and practical too. Impressive.
I wanted to speak a little about guest posting, but then Sherman has already done justice to it. They work like magic especially if like you said, your article is very useful and kinda epic. I have written some guest posts myself, and though I didn’t get thousands of traffic like I expected, I am not giving up. If it worked for people like Neil Patel or Kimanzi Constable, then it will work for me and anybody else. Thanks Sherman.
About the free ebook, I wrote one already, but I didn’t host it on amazon like you said here. Rather I uploaded it on my blog as a give-away. Do you suggest I equally upload it on amazon?
I also wish to ask you to throw more light on the point about ‘gift cards’. I haven’t heard about that before and I don’t understand how they work. So please do me the favour and elaborate on it.
By the way I love your timely responses, it makes your comment section look lively and more like a community. Great job you are doing, keep it up.
Lastly, I wish you can give me an email address to contact you with. You remember I told you earlier that I am a newbie, and yes I have lot of things I wish to learn.
Have a great day Chioma.
Hi Toby,
Glad to hear from you again Toby. Thanks for your kind words. Guestposting is very good especially when done on sites your target audience visits. Guestposting is not a magic lamp though. The results you get from guestposting hugely depends on the site you wrote for (how popular it is and how high the social engagement of the site. The higher these factors the better your results once you guestposted on a site with your target audience)
Having a free book on your site is great and highly recommended. Having another free book on amazon and smashwords will help you a lot as these sites have a ton of traffic and your target audience likely visits them. However, if you want a more local audience (like say you want only Nigerians), then you should put your free ebook on Nigeria malls. The result is that you will get a lot fewer traffic but definitely those that clickthrough to your site are your target audience.
Now I recommend giftcards for only businesses that sell physical products as it is more effective then. A giftcard is something person A buys for person B because person A does not want to buy a gift that will not be appreciated. It is normally a monetary gift that can be used as a coupon on sites that accept it. For more information please check out they Have a video that explains the use of giftcards better.
For a way to contact me, simply click on Contact in the menu the footer below. You will be able contact me immediately.
Hope my answers help. Let me know about the progress you make. Do have a fantastic day.
Okay. That was helpful, thank you
Hi Chioma,
What a great article and one of my favorite topics! To drive traffic one must do their homework on the target audience we choose. You have given many excellent ways to do so….I have done some myself and it worked so well.
Free ebooks are great to start building a list. From there we can communicate with those who have opted in and then by the 80/20 rule, 20 percent of the time can offer a product we have done ourselves or an affiliate we use.
Referrals are one of the best ways to drive good traffic. In order to receive we must first give. It could be anything from a tangible object or our time. Eventually that word of mouth does spread and these people will engage with you with that know like and trust factor.
P.S. I just had to come on over after seeing you featured on Adrienne and Enstine’s blog. Two in one week…Congrats!
Donna Merrill recently posted…How To Make YouTube Cards
Hi Donna,
It is always a pleasure to see you here. You are absolutely right about how to drive traffic: the first part of the puzzle is figuring out who your target audience is. A lot of bloggers get this part wrong and wonder why no one every visits their blog.
Free ebooks, just like you said, are terrific for list building while referrals help drive good traffic. Why I love referrals is that most times, it does not cost the entrepreneur or blogger much, yet it is so effective. This is shown in the way sponsored posts work on facebook. Many people are five times more likely to click a sponsored post if they friends liked/shared/commented the post or likes the page. That psychology also works when a friend recommends a product/service to their friends.
Thanks for stopping by and contributing insights that added more value to the post. Thanks for the congrats too. I am excited and humbled by it. Do have a splendid day, Donna.
Driving visitors to b2b blog is more tough that driving visitors to a customer based blog. I’ve been experimenting with these things from quite a while and I must say your post really nailed the topic,
Awesome right up and wonderful tips.
Thanks for sharing.
Rachit recently posted…The Benefits of SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )
Hi Rachit,
You are right: B2B blogs require a different traffic-generation strategy from B2C blogs. This because in B2B your customers are business owners, whose needs are different from everyday customers.
Thanks for visiting my blog again, Rachit and contributing to the discussion. Do have a wonderful day.
Hello Chioma,
Content they say is King, Traffic is say is Crown for the King!
No matter how good your blog is, it becomes worthless when it reaches out to nobody. Because it will just be sitting there just as you left it.
Two very important points i love here you mentioned is Advertising and Giveaways/Freebies
No matter how hard you try, it is important to start a blog by paying for advertisement/traffic, this will help to encourage your spirit especially when you go to check google analytics every day and end up sulking when you never seem to exceed 100 daily visits. SEO for organic traffic is not a single day job neither is it a magical miracle, so paying for traffic should be a temporary measure until you begin to get enough organic traffic, even with organic traffic, you can continue with the paid advertising for traffic if it so fits your budget.
Packing free ebooks and organising giveaways is another very sweet way to garner return visitors, for your blog to remain relevant, it is important that you consider you have to add value to people, this is while noting that people are naturally attracted to FREE stuff.
Great Post! Keep up the good work!
Benny Mark recently posted…Google Allo Messaging App Review